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Article 16 Primer

by Julie Thompson, AFA Chief Negotiator and English Department Contract Faculty Memberreading

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In Spring 2015, AFA and the District finished negotiations on an extensive revision of Article 16. The revised article retains many provisions of the old article, ensuring that our adjunct faculty members have the strongest reemployment rights in the State and that all faculty members who perform hourly assignments are treated fairly and consistently. The new Article 16 is clearer, is better organized, and resolves contradictions in the old article. However, because the article is long and has numerous provisions, faculty members may appreciate this easy-to-read Primer. If you have questions that are not covered here—or if any of the following information needs further clarification—don't hesitate to contact the AFA office. Read more »

Coming soon! Stay tuned for new Article 16 clarifications in the form of Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) anticipated this spring 2016. Check back and click here to read the latest MOUs.

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